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How to use LinkedIn retargeting with Snitcher
How to use LinkedIn retargeting with Snitcher

Building an effective advertising channel through LinkedIn is an important component of B2B marketing and Snitcher is here to help.

Jerre avatar
Written by Jerre
Updated over a week ago

Of all the advertising platforms that can be used with company identifications, LinkedIn is by far the most natural fit as you can use company Lists in campaigns.

This guide will help you get to grips with using Snitcher data to power LinkedIn campaigns and improve targeting while decreases costs.

It also offers a few of strategies we used to achieve a high ROI. Plus a bonus tactic that combines Google Ads with LinkedIn Ads.

Keep volume requirements in mind

🚨 LinkedIn requires a minimum audience size of 300.

We recommend an Audience size of at least 10 000.

πŸ‘‰ better cost performance

πŸ‘‰ lower risk of saturating the audience

πŸ‘‰ faster feedback on performance (more data)

The number of people from each company matching your persona filters will determine how many companies are required to reach an appropriate audience size.

For example, 10 people matching your persona at each company will require 1000 companies to get to an audience size of 10 000.

If you don't have 1000 ideal companies in Snitcher to target, you can use a combination of matched Companies from Snitcher and new companies using LinkedIn's filtering.

πŸ’‘ Smaller audience sizes can offer deeper insights but it takes longer to generate significant data. Plus costs per impression (CPM) and click (CPC) will be be higher.
🚨 Results will decline and and costs increase when small audience campaigns are run for a long time. Audiences get saturated and are not triggered to take action. It helps to run multiple ad formats along with supplementing in new companies.

Some strategies might not be applicable if you have a relatively low volume of target company identifications each month.

If you find yourself in this position, start with strategies requiring lower identification volumes andontinue to collect identification data so you can implement strategies requiring higher volumes later.

Snitcher info used for LinkedIn campaigns

1️⃣ Company information

In both LinkedIn and Snitcher you can filter (target) on specific industries, sizes and locations. So it's only natural that companies in Snitcher can be used in LinkedIn.

By using Lead Scoring you can create lists of companies in Snitcher that match the same parameters you have in LinkedIn or vice versa.

With Lead Stages, you can take this a step further and support sales teams by running campaigns based on lead stage. In other words, put your budget behind company's sales is contacting or working with. Who doesn't like two bites at the apple?

2️⃣ Behavior

Part of the problem with LinkedIn is the lack of insights into behavior or intent of companies before targeting them.

Essentially, you have no idea if the organisations in your audiences are in market. This is what makes the cold advertising layer so expensive, as many targeted organisations simply aren't problem aware or in need of your offering.

Snitcher on the other hand supplies the behavior data so you can clearly see interest and intent. Resulting in more relevant audiences actively looking at your offering. Leading to higher conversion rates and lower costs.

How to set up LinkedIn retargeting with Snitcher

There are a couple options to send Snitcher identifications to LinkedIn audiences that can be used for retargeting.

πŸ’‘ If you are using Snitcher and HubSpot you can manage LinkedIn retargeting through HubSpot.

The simple (low volume) strategy

Build a retargeting audience from all of the companies matching your ICP. If you haven't already you will need to create an ICP Segment then push (or export) the list to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn will add a match rate to your list so you can see the percentage of companies accurately matched to LinkedIn's database. Typically 90% or more.

πŸ‘‰ Add your audience to an existing campaign or create a new one.

Keep the number of companies you've built your audience from in mind. Low numbers? It might better to add them to an existing campaign.

πŸ‘‰ Add the job roles or titles you would like to target.

We prefer using job roles as titles can vary across organisations.

Company vertical/size/technology strategy

If you solve different problems within different industries, technologies or company sizes. It's valuable to further segment your audiences to build more relevant campaigns.

Design your ad copy and landing pages to be specific to each audience group.

πŸ’‘ We've seen customers effectively run email campaigns or have their SDR's enrol target companies within outreach flows simultaneously.

Job role or title strategy

Rather than adding multiple job roles or titles from the company list, consider building multiple audiences from the same company list by using different job roles.

For example, we build two audiences from the same group of companies.

πŸ‘‰ sales roles

πŸ‘‰ marketing roles

You can further support this with audiences made from companies that viewed content relevant to a job role.

πŸ’‘ This allows us to run separate campaigns that really speak to the specific roles as they have different goals, pain points and triggers.

Google ads strategy

The traffic coming through search ads typically shows intent (depending on the term). After all, people literally needed to make a specific search to be served your ad.

So how do we use this in combination with Snitcher and LinkedIn ads?

1️⃣ Split your search terms into related groups.

For example:

πŸ‘‰ Group A search terms = Marketing automation software + automated advertising campaigns

πŸ‘‰ Group B search terms = Account based sales software + sales intelligence signals

If you have a sufficient volume of identifications, these groups can be further segment or enriched by behaviour on the website.

If a company comes through a search term in group A, it would be logical to run an ad about using marketing automation to automate advertising rather than talking about sales software.

2️⃣ Filter for identified companies in Snitcher that came through each search term group.

3️⃣ Create your audiences.

πŸ’‘ There are a few advantages to this strategy

  • improved LinkedIn conversion rates

  • increased conversion to revenue/customer rates

  • less waste on Google Ads spend

Behaviour strategy

Yes, you guessed it, segment your identified companies by their behaviour and create relevant audiences.

Typically, we break behavior up by 2-3 user journeys. We know if a company has consumed a number of pieces of content and found the site via a specific ad or ads, they are on one of the user journey tracks.

We've created campaigns for each user journey. It's possible to take this a step further by running campaigns for each journey stage and segment identifications by the stage.

πŸ’‘Interestingly, we find the type of companies on each user journey often fall into specific verticals and sizes. For instances our technical user journey contains mostly companies in software, IT, marketing and advertising. Plus the associated job roles are technical (no surprises there).

This has made it much easier for us to combine the behaviour strategy with company type and job role strategies to deploy highly relevant campaigns that convert and more importantly create customers.


With our GA4 integration, you can track your campaigns, build dashboards and report on the results.

πŸš€ Plus build the same audiences for retargeting in Google Ads.

As always, feel free to drop us a message if you need a hand, would like to say hello or brainstorm. Team Snitcher signing off πŸ‘‹

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