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How to use Automations

Automations are here to ensure the correct people are notified when target leads are identified or a high intent visit takes place.

Jerre avatar
Written by Jerre
Updated over 9 months ago

This article is here to help create your first automations. If you would like to learn more about how automations can be used for sales check out our automations use case guide.

What are automations?

Automations are made up by two components:

πŸ‘‰ Triggers - When an event such as a session or page view occurs or a new lead is identified.

πŸ‘‰Actions - What happens when a trigger event takes place. Examples include sending an email, slack notifications or adding tags.

With triggers and actions you can automate sending leads or visit information to a specific user or team. Or trigger tags and send leads to your CRM.

πŸ’‘ Imagine a lost deal from 6 months ago visits your website - notify the sales team via email or slack.

What should I keep in mind?

Automations are best used in combination with Segments and Lead Stages.

For example, let me know via slack when a new lead ideal lead visits my website and takes a high intent action.

Or send me a notification when one of my existing prospects visits the pricing page.

How do I create my first automation?

πŸ‘‰ Step 1 : Navigate to the lightning icon at the top of your dashboard.

πŸ‘‰ Step 2 : Create new Automation

πŸ‘‰ Step 3 : Select the type of event you would like to trigger the action on

πŸ‘‰Step 4 : Select the Segment you want to use

πŸ‘‰ Step 5 : Choose the action you would like to carry out

Option A : Send an email with the lead or visit

Option B : Add a tag to the company profile

Option C : Send the company or a contact via Webhooks

Option D : Send leads to CRMs (ie HubSpot, Salesforce, Dynamics and Pipedrive)

Option E : Reveal a contact and export it to an email campaign (our favorite)

πŸ’‘ Please take a look at this guide to learn more on how revealing contacts work - Sales use cases of Automations

Happy automating and as always, please feel free to drop us a line with ideas, observations or just to say hello. Team Snitcher signing off πŸ‘‹

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