Get answers to all the questions you have about Snitcher.
How to add multiple websitesAdd new websites to your existing subscription or create a separate subscription for each website.
Can I hide my own company from the results?
How can I hide companies that are not interesting?
Send Snitcher leads to LinkedIn for retargetingHow to use the LinkedIn Campaign exporter
How do I enable Google Ads Campaign tracking?See exactly which ad campaign companies clicked in Snitcher
What timezone is used for the visit details in Snitcher?How can I change the timezone of my account?
Tagging Leads
Why is the Time on Page or Session Duration sometimes shown as Unknown?
How do I invite team members to use Snitcher?How to add, remove, promote and demote team members.
How can I configure Automated Segment Reports?
Can Snitcher identify the actual person visiting my website?
What is SnitcherSnitcher helps B2B companies capture more quality leads and enriches analytics so you can close more deals with less budget.
How do I export Snitcher data?Learn how to download and access leads in CSV, Excel or LinkedIn campaign ready formats.
How do you identify website visitors?Wondering what the process is behind identifying the leads you see in your dashboard.
How to use 'AND' 'OR' filtersGet to grips with filters so you can find the leads and visit behavior you need.